Crypt (33 cards; Capacity min=2 max=8 avg=5.333333)
1x Ferox, The Rock Lord (ADV) 7 ani FOR POT VIS Gargoyle:2
2x Fidus, The Shrunken Beast 4 for tha vis Gargoyle:2
6x Grotesque 3 for pot vis Gargoyle:6
2x Malachai 5 for pot pre VIS Gargoyle:6
2x Pugfar 5 aus for vis POT Gargoyle:2
2x Rocia 8 obf FOR POT VIS Gargoyle:4
3x Rusticus 4 for VIS Gargoyle:5
2x Alabastrom 7 aus cel for POT VIS Gargoyle:6
2x Chalcedony 7 FOR POT THA VIS Gargoyle:6
2x Porphyry 4 vis POT Gargoyle:6
2x Sheela Na Gig 2 vis Gargoyle:5
2x Verbruch 5 for POT VIS Gargoyle:5
2x Handsome Dan 5 aus cel for pot vis Gargoyle:6
2x Cedric 6 obf pot vis FOR Gargoyle:4
1x Chaundice 8 vic FOR POT VIS Gargoyle:4
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